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After finishing the studies I worked as physiotherapist in the following institutions:


FTN Department of Surgery

Policlinic Budějovická- physiotherapy within home care

Diakonie ČCE, The Zvonek Centre – massages for physically and mentally disabled clients

Policlinic Modřany - outpatient department


Last year I have started working with Mudr. Vraná on the treatment of children with specific learning and behavior defects by means of the craniosacral therapy. In spite of the fact that we have

systematically practiced this therapy for a relatively short time only, I can responsibly confirm the experience of Dr. Upledger, who also treated these children and discovered a significant connection between certain position of cranial bones (mainly sphenoid bone) and learning and behavior defects. Loosening of the blockages in the cranial bones and freeing of the path of the craniosacral system results in a significant improvement of the difficulties of these children, who learn better.

More about this therapy you can see in videospot here.


About me

Overview of studies completed, professional activities and courses

Secondary school (gymnasium) Karviná 1983-1987

Secondary medical school, specialization: physiotherapist


Muscles and pain 1997

Diagnostics and therapy of functional defects of the motion apparatus (Society for myoskeletal medicine, PhDr. A. Herbenová, V. Bortlíková, V. Bezvodová) 1999

Complex therapy of shoulder (Monada) 2009

Physiotherapy of algic vertebrogenic syndromes (Instruct, Dr. P. Švejcar) 2010

Methodology of sensorimotor stimulation (PhDr. A. Herbenová) 2011

Attestation in the field Applied Physiotherapy 2012

Basics of craniosacral technique 1-4 (Mgr. H. Toušková) 2013

Upledger Craniosacral therapy 1 (O. Gabriel) 2013

Upledger Craniosacral therapy 2 (A. Harvey) 2014

SM system A-D (Dr. Smíšek) 2014

Therapheutical usage of kinesio tape (J. Kobrová, R. Válka) 2015

The seminar: Membrane system – work with energies and mental detoxication (R. Neškrabal) 2016

Certificate of the permission to perform medical profession without expert supervision as physiotherapist, Registration number 024-0156-8532, issued 2.5.2014

Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (Barral Institute, Pierre Vey) 2017

Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (Bc. Alena Zapletalová) 2017

ACT I-IV (Acral coactivation therapy; PhDr. Ingrid Palaščáková Špringerová, PhD.) 2018

Visceral Manipulation: Pelvis (Bc. Alena Zapletalová) 2018

Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (Barral Institute, Pierre Vey) 2019

Neuro Development Stimulation (Mgr. Marja Volemanová) 2019

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